Skin Checks & Cancer Prevention Screening in Berkeley

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Examinations with a Board Certified Dermatologist

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States affecting about 1 in 5 Americans. People of all skin types and races can get skin cancer, though certain skin types are more at risk than others. With early detection and proper treatment, most skin cancers are highly curable. Routine and regular self-skin exams as well as a yearly skin examination by a board-certified dermatologist can help people find early skin cancers.

Schedule your appointment for a skin check-up and prevention screening today by calling our offices in Berkeley at 510-646-8065, or contact us online today.

What Do Skin Checks & Cancer Prevention Screenings Involve?

A skin cancer screening is where our provider will visually inspect your skin to look for suspicious lesions. It does not involve any blood tests unless a biopsy or other procedure is needed, the skin examination is painless.

All of our skin checks, and all of our visits, are with a board-certified dermatologist-led team who have extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers. Our expert staff and specialists will be present in the room to help chart any lesions.

Screenings typically take between 10-20 minutes, depending on how many atypical moles or lesions are present on a patient.

Which Areas Will I Be Screened For?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends full-body examinations whenever possible. This can be quite thorough, including private areas. If you have areas you prefer to leave unexamined (which we do not recommend!), be sure to tell your doctor at the time of your visit. Otherwise, we are very thorough and complete.

It is additionally important to note:

  • The American Academy of Dermatology recommends yearly skin examinations with a board-certified dermatologist. It is also recommended that you do a monthly self-skin exam.

Early Prevention Is Key

Early diagnosis of skin cancer is essential in minimizing the risks of invasive treatment or serious medical complications. We recommend that you perform skin checks at home or our offices in Berkeley once a month and come in for an appointment if anything seems out of the ordinary.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our skin specialists today at 510-646-8065 for our Berkeley office.


Contact Us Today


Our Office

Berkeley Office
2435 Webster Street
Suite 101
Berkeley, CA 94705

Berkeley Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 8am-5pm


A member of the DermCare family of companies


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