Simple Skincare for Your 20s & 30s

Man and Woman cooking together Most of us try to be as healthy as we can be. Staying atop of health trends keep us feeling and looking great, and there seems to be no end to new, better ways to take care of ourselves.

There are so many lifestyle things that we already know we should be doing, such as:

  • Eating healthy — maybe organic from the Berkeley Bowl?
  • Exercising — hiking around the Bay is always so beautiful!
  • Drinking plenty of water!
  • Getting good amounts sleep!

What about our skin, though? What are the things that we should be doing to have healthy skin? Not many people actually think about good skincare, and much less think about it regularly. Hopefully, I can share some insight that you find helpful!

Start Your Skincare Habits Early On & Keep Them Simple

It is very important to take excellent care of your skin during your 20’s and 30’s. The earlier we start taking care of our skin, the healthier our skin will be long-term! Just like most things in life, being proactive with skincare will help you maintain beautiful, healthier looking skin throughout your many years.

Most of us do not need 13 steps or botanical extracts to get the skincare results we want. In fact, combining multiple ingredients can sometimes worsen the quality of certain skin types. Taking care of your skin does not need to be time-consuming and it’s very easy to find a routine that is not too complicated.

Simplicity really is key! Find a simple and effective skin care regimen that is easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. Five minutes is all you really need. I will be honest — if my skin care routine takes more than five minutes, I don’t tend to stick to it.

What Skincare Routine Does Our Team Use?

As the trusted name in dermatology throughout Berkeley and beyond, I know that many people look to me for advice on skincare. Take a look at my daily skincare routine and see if it appeals to you!

In the morning:

1. Wash face with a gentle face wash.

A gentle wash/cleanser removes dirt and oil that has accumulated overnight on my face. It also helps my skin feel refreshed and clean in the morning.

2. Apply an antioxidant serum that contains Vitamin C.

An antioxidant serum protects against environmental damage such as ozone pollution and radiation. It also helps prevents lines and wrinkles. I am excited to get wiser as I get older, but if there is an easy and effective way to prevent wrinkles, why not?

3. Apply a moisturizer with Sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.

Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Did I already say sunscreen? You and I must protect our skin from ultraviolet rays. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is key! Being vigilant about sunscreen and sun protection every day, all year long can prevent wrinkles and skin cancer in our 40s and 50s. Sunscreen in the morning won’t protect us for the whole day, so I try to remember to reapply before I step out for a coffee break or lunch. If I am out all day at the Berkeley Marina, I try to reapply my sunscreen every two hours if I can. A shot glass amount should be applied to all sun-exposed areas.

In the night:

1. Wash face with a gentle face wash.

Just like in the morning, a gentle face wash/cleanser will help remove any dirt and pollution that has collected on my skin during the day. I usually shower at night, so I will just use my gentle face wash in the shower so that I do not have to do this extra step before going to bed.

2. Use a retinoid cream.

Retinoids exfoliate the skin and unclog pores. They also prevent dark spots and wrinkles. It is truly magical! It prevents acne and helps prevent wrinkles — I could not ask for more. This is the one skin care product that I could not go without.

3. Apply a moisturizer.

A moisturizer does exactly what it sounds like it will do: moisturizes skin. It prevents my skin from looking and feeling dry and dull.

This regimen is obviously not perfect for everybody, but a dermatologist can help find the right regimen for you. At NorCal Dermatology Group, our motto is to try to keep it simple. Find a simple skin care regimen that is easy to incorporate into your lifestyle, and you will find yourself happy to stay with it for years.

Call our office at 510-646-8065 to request an appointment today.


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2435 Webster Street
Suite 101
Berkeley, CA 94705

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Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 8am-5pm


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