A Dermatologist’s Take on How to Get a Natural Look with BOTOX®

White Shirts Most of us have seen the dreadful stiff and “fake-looking” faces on TV of celebrities with bad BOTOX® jobs. Or maybe even on faces of people that we know. BOTOX® is supposed to help reduce your frown and worry lines so that you look more relaxed and rested. It is not meant to make you look fake and unnatural.

Here are some of my tips on how to get a natural look.

1. Go to a Board-Certified Dermatologist

This is your face that we are talking about…you should go to somebody who went to school for this (i.e., a dermatologist). Not your dentist who went to school for teeth, or a medical spa, where there is not even a doctor present.

It is SO important to make sure that whoever is administering BOTOX® has been doing it for a while and has been specially trained in it. It is technically a pharmaceutical medication and so the person who is administering it should be licensed to do so.

Again, this is your face. Go to somebody who knows what they are doing…

2. Not Each Person is the Same

If somebody tells you that each person needs the same amount of BOTOX®, they are wrong. Everybody has different facial structures and wrinkles. And everybody wants different outcomes from their BOTOX® treatments. So go to somebody that understands the look you are going for.

A big reason for an unnatural look is when too much BOTOX® is placed in one area at once. I am in the camp of “less is more” at first. It takes about two weeks to see your results. If after two weeks you want more, you can always get a touch-up. It’s way easier and convenient for you to get a touch-up than reverse the effects of too much BOTOX®.

3. There is NOT a Perfect Age

Everybody has different skin. So there is not a perfect age to start getting BOTOX®. Development of wrinkles can depend on your skin color and skin type. It can depend on how much sun your skin has seen…it can depend on if you wore sunscreen when you were younger, or if you have ever smoked…it can depend on your genetics…you get it; there are a lot of different factors that play into wrinkles and when is a good time to start getting BOTOX®.

If you are seeing wrinkles on your face that you don’t like, go see a dermatologist that will spend time with you. A dermatologist can talk through a plan with you to achieve the results that you want over time. Coming up with a plan with somebody you trust will help you achieve your goals without overdoing it and getting an unnatural look the first time around.

4. Preventative BOTOX® Can be Done Right

We go to the gym to avoid getting fat…we eat healthy to live longer…and we can get preventative BOTOX® to stop wrinkles before they start.

A lot of people are getting BOTOX® preventatively to avoid getting wrinkles in the future. If you are moving the muscles on your face a lot or have strong facial expressions, you can get early skin wrinkling. BOTOX® relaxes your muscles so that the skin on top does not move as much and develop wrinkles. As long as you follow the steps above, you will still “look like yourself” even if you are getting BOTOX® preventatively.

If you are in your 20s and 30s and are starting to see lines that you don’t want or want to prevent lines that your family members have, it is worth visiting dermatologist that understands your goals.

At NorCal Dermatology Group in Berkeley, we believe in the importance of simplicity in any skincare treatment or regimen. Our experience in skincare allowed us to custom tailor solutions for patients to help them maintain healthier, simpler skin.

At NorCal Dermatology Group, we provide:

  • Cutting-edge skincare treatments.
  • Weekend appointments.
  • Short wait times.
  • Personalized care and attention.
  • A wide range of accepted health plans.

To book an appointment or to learn more about NorCal Dermatology Group, call 510-646-8065 today!


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